FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – July 28th, 2014 – SANTA BARBARA, CA – Today throughout the last week of July, Yost Appliance is offering a $1 donation to Saftey Town Santa Barbara for every “LIKE” they receive on their Facebook fan page. They are starting their challenge with 502 likes, so any “LIKES” above and beyond that will translate to dollars for Saftey Town.
Saftey Town’s mission is to provide a quality, comprehensive, safety education program to pre and post-kindergarteners, regardless of a family’s ability to pay. The Safety Town program provides instruction of vital safety concepts, developmentally age appropriate activities, hands on learning, and visits from community safety professionals to implement the learning process in a fun, positive environment. Through this program, children acquire the tools to develop and build a foundation of safety knowledge and awareness, to empower them to make safe choices for a safe future.
How can you participate? First, “LIKE” the Yost Appliance Facebook Fan page by signing into your Facebook account and clicking the “LIKE” button on the top right of the page. Then, tell all of your colleagues, friends and family who use Facebook to “LIKE” their page too. You can also donate directly to Saftey Town at
Safety Town relies on grant funding and private donations to support the program. If you would like to help, you can make a monetary contribution in any amount. You could sponsor a child’s tuition and provide a scholarship, or your contribution could be used towards purchasing supplies and reducing operating costs. Your gift is tax deductible and greatly appreciated. With your support, we hope to provide safety education to more children in the future.
Burt Yost, owner of Yost Appliance Inc., is grateful for participants’ support.
About: Yost Appliance Inc. has been one of the most trusted providers of appliance service and repair in Santa Barbara county since 1968. They offer same-day service to residents of Goleta, Carpinteria and neighboring regions of Santa Barbara on almost every brand and model of appliance in the industry. Yost Appliance is staffed with technicians who provide guaranteed satisfaction. For more info on their highly recommended appliance repair services, visit, see their Facebook page, or call (805) 966-2946.